Good Shepherd Catholic College - Mount Isa
Number of years teaching:
Where else have you taught?
Mountain Creek State High School, Yepoon State High School
I love to engage with students in a way that is real, authentic. The topics that we teach and the issues that we explore have real-world application for them. I have the great privilege of teaching teenagers and they are often looking for inspiration and answers to the questions of life. They want to know "why?" The are seeking inspiration, often edged with a tragic cynicism, and when that moment of inspiration, of insight, of understanding comes - it's wonderful moment for them - and for me. The learn to communicate, to share, to argue as they stumble toward independence and it's my joyful task to help prepare them for the next stage of their life. That's why I am an English teacher.
What do you love about English teaching?
There is no other subject that explores the depth and breadth of the human condition more than the study of English. Through a vast diversity of texts we engage with life - we explore love, romance, fear, courage, valour, deceit, kindness, power - we gain insights into both the heart and mind of authors and characters from the past, the present and the future. The study of English allows our imagination to fly ... there is no other subject that inspires me so.What gets you excited about the future of English teaching?
I'm excited about the outstanding quality of the new English teachers that I see arriving in our school. They are enthusiastic and passionate about teaching English and it's a wonderful contagion. I am inspired by the range and diversity of new texts that continue to arrive on the scene - especially the increasing breadth of texts from cultures beyond our shores. I love the developing digital world and the way that it has enhanced my own teaching in the classroom. For English and English teachers, the future has never been brighter.