Louise Walls

St Ursula's College, Toowoomba

Number of years teaching: 22

Where else have you taught?
Blackall State High, All Hallows' School, Downlands College

What you love about English teaching?
I love the dynamic of the English classroom. It is not always predictable but it invariably involves challenge and depth of discussion. I love that English makes possible such a range of outcomes, from personal growth to a broader social awareness that hopefully works to increase students' capacity for understanding and compassion.

What is your best classroom moment?
I chose to teach The Chant of Jimmy Blacksmith at Blackall State High School (in my first year of teaching!), and while I can't claim that it was a resounding success, to witness a flicker of understanding, in albeit only 2 or 3 students, that there were things happening out there bigger than themselves but happening in their world, and that were downright wrong, was an experience I won't forget. It confirmed for me that in choosing to become an English teacher, I had chosen well, that I was doing work that was valuable.




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