We're a big fan of sharing ideas and thoughts on what you are taking from our PD events, and Twitter is the place to do this! Got some thoughts that you want to share with the Twitterverse during our events? Join us in the online conversations with the tag #etaqpd.
ETAQ offers members the opportunity to keep up-to-date with syllabus changes and a channel for submitting your thoughts and ideas for the suite of new syllabuses to come online in 2018.
Members receive two quality publications Words'Worth published by ETAQ and English in Australia published by AATE. Each of these publi...
State Conference program is on its way very soon
Have you booked your flight? Have you arranged your accommodation? State conference is on its way, bringing Professor Wayne Sawyer (from Western Sydney University) and acclaimed author and academic, Professor Gary Crew. The buzz is that the workshops look equally inviting as those last year...